Fethullah Gülen: Condolences to the Greek People
Fethullah Gülen sends a condolence message about the train accident in Greece: “I am saddened to learn that dozens of people lost their lives and many were injured in the train accident that happened in Greece, our loyal neighbor, friend and brotherly country.
Ney Course
Music is one of the most important activities that the human soul needs. Our ney course, given by our volunteer music teacher, continues its activities despite limited opportunities.
Sewing Course
In our sewing course, women both have a good time with their hobbies and learn new designs
Psychological Support Platform
Volunteer counselors of our psychological support committee guide refugee children going through difficult processes in adapting to their new country and life, and shed light on some of the problems they may encounter.
Delivering Food Packages
We delivered food packages to Migrants forum of Greece to be distributed to other refugee families. A picture from the food support event we organized in cooperation with the Migrant Forum of Greece organization.
Culture and Art Platform Exhibition
In Pigi, we exhibited the works of our children aged 9-11 with the theme of “words that are important to us turn into art”.
Visiting Ukrainian Committee
We have visited the Ukrainian community in Greece to support them and to alleviate the difficulties they faced. We are with them with all our heart and energy. We hope that the environment of peace will be established in their country soon.
Social Responsibility Platform
We have met with the representatives of all the communities that are members of EFM and Ukranian Community in Greece to assemble medical supplies, milk and basic necessities for the people who need it either in Greece or in Ukraine.
Language Courses
Certificates of achievement were given to those who attended the language courses opened at Pigi. There were about 60 participants in the courses. The courses, which continue in a total of 4 courses, gave their first graduates at A1, A2, B1, B2 language levels.
Primary School
Our course, which was started for primary school students, allows children to be involved in various cultural and artistic activities, as well as reinforcing their school lessons.