I am Esra Temugan. My profession is speech and language pathology. Five years ago when I came to abroad, I have continued my profession via online. I realize that people in abroad, far away from homeland, feels lonely and vulnerable. I want them to feel themselves well and know their strengths rather than weaknesses. With the help of this mindfulness, I have add my profession coaching skills via online courses. That was not enough to me and I have attended a master degree on counselling.
Counselling degree make me more addressed and I have focused on the students and families abroad. The students have deeper academic problems; they have disadvantages at career planning issue. They and their family has many questions on social and emotional adaptation. I use evidence-based and person centred counselling approaches as well as positive psychology concepts.
I facilitate short-term groups to address students’ academic, career and/or social/emotional issues. I inform parent/guardian(s) of student participation in a small group. I measure the outcomes of group participation and provide necessary follow up with group members. I collaborate with parents/guardians, when appropriate; to establish communication and to ensure students’ needs are met. I recognize the strengths of students with disabilities as well as their challenges and provide best practices and current research in supporting their academic, career and social/emotional needs.
I love helping people, I love communicating with people, above all, I love listening people. I like reading and learning deeper and deeper. I always find myself helping in the crises. Coaching and counselling are professions, which contain all these skills. I feel welfare and happy when I saw my clients happiness and wellness.
Coaching became a lifestyle for me, and I think it should be spread out all over the world. It is building you again with strengthens. It is not dealing with the problems from past, it is respecting all being, it is the peace of world. Positive thinking and seizing the time is in the centre.